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Microsoft Visual Studio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 (formerly Team System or Team Suite) is codenamed Rosario It includes new modeling tools, such as the Architecture Explorer, which graphically displays projects and classes and the ...
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Download Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (安裝程式) from Official Microsoft Download Center 此 Web 安裝程式會下載和安裝 Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1。安裝期間必須保持網際網路連線。請參閱下面<其他資訊>一節,以了解替代 (ISO) 下載選項。請注意:此安裝程式適用於所有 Visual Studio 2010 版本 (Express、Professional、Premium ...
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Visual Studio Magazine Home -- Visual Studio Magazine The home page of Visual Studio Magazine online, the leading site for enterprise .NET developers. ... News Nadella: Culture Change and a Smaller Microsoft Microsoft's CEO calls the company a "platforms and productivity" company, and calls for reducing work